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Refund/Credit/Cancellations Policies for Group Programs


Learn to Skate, Power skating or Figure Skating is classified as "High Risk Sport". No refunds will be issued against any registration packages due to injury in or out of programs. Credits will only be applied upon review by coordinator on a case by case notice. 

Make up sessions are not offered. In the event the SASC cancels a lesson, the missed class will be rescheduled later in the season. If the SASC is unable to reschedule the lesson, the cancelled lesson will be credited to your account.

All programs listed on the web site are not valid with any other offer, voucher, discount or promotion.

All programs must be purchased in conjunction with the Season's registration before entering ice.

All prices, dates, and times are subject to change without notice.


All Learn to Skate & Power Skating programs are non-refundable. 

A (1) class penalty will be added to any registration that is cancelled 72hrs prior to the program start date. A (1) class grace period, from the program's start date, will be entitled to a refund, minus the initial scheduled class. A $15 merchant fee will also be applied to all refunds. No refunds will be issued after 7 days of the first class. Only credits will be applied, after the 2nd scheduled class, to the participants account on a case by case situation by the coordinator. Credits are valid for 12 months. The merchant fee of $15 will be applied for all incorrect program registrations that require a refund. No merchant fee will be applied if the amount is credited onto members account for future programs.


SKATE CANADA FEE: $62.00 Yearly Membership for Skate Canada payable upon registration is non-refundable. An annual period commencing each year on September 1st on a given calendar year and expiring on August 31st of the following year.

Policies for Academy Figure Skaters


Pre-Season Camp, Holiday Concert, Pop Concert and Family Skate are included (packaged dependant)

SASC Membership and Skate Canada Fee of $62 is an annual fee and will be applied to all skaters.

Visit our website regularly for schedule changes, special days and other important information on the Home Page. Schedules are subject to change.

Registration Deadline: Skaters who DO NOT submit their registration prior to the deadline will have a $75 late fee applied to their account.

NO make-up sessions are offered due to absences

In order to ensure a positive and successful skating experience, please adhere to our Club Policies and the Parent Code of Conduct posted on our website.

The SASC pays for coaches' expenses (travel, accommodation, etc.) for Home Club Members for select competitions both StarSkate and Competitive.

Refund Policy: refunds will be considered for serious medical circumstances substantiated by a medical certificate. All other requests for refunds (For example - retired skater, club transfer, etc.) will be subject to a cancellation penalty of one month ice fees. Requests must be received in writing. Bingo and fundraising commitments must still be honored, and volunteer commitment charges will be applied in the case of non-participation.

Skaters will not be able to skate if they have outstanding Coaching or Club invoices from previous seasons or clubs. Please clear all invoices to avoid training delays.

There shall be no refunds if skating sessions are cancelled due to mechanical failure or club activities.

All packages require Mandatory Bingos or Casinos and Competition Shifts to be work based on the amount of days/freeskates a skater has purchased. Reference the Volunteer Requirements tab on under Figure Skating for more information.

Media Policy


I hereby grant to St. Albert Skating Centre the right to use, without payment of any fee and charge, any photograph, videotape or other visual media of myself/child taken during the program(s) for the purpose of furthering the St. Albert Skating Centre objectives. If you do NOT grant the Media Release, please note this in your registration or contact us with any further questions.

Code of Conduct


Skate Canada Safe Sport

Skate Canada Code of Ethics - complete

Skate Canada Code of Ethics


The St. Albert Skating Centre (SASC) is committed to ensuring that all skaters can participate in a safe and welcoming environment that encourages and promotes their overall development.  

Each individual; including skaters, parents/guardians, coaches, board members and officials; are bound by the Skate Canada Code of Ethics during the business, activities and events of Skate Canada.

The Skate Canada Code of Ethics details the responsibilities of each individual.  Responsibilities of all individuals include, but are not limited to:

  • Treating all people with respect, dignity and fairness;
  • Promoting and demonstrating a spirit of fair play, sport leadership and ethical conduct;
  • Acting professionally during all interactions in and surrounding Skate Canada activities;
  • Using positive discipline that includes setting fair rules, listening, problem solving, encouraging and being a good example;
  • Always acting in a kind, courteous and judicious manner and never engaging in any exploitative, abusive or corrupt behavior;
  • Using electronic communications (e.g.; social media and messaging platforms) responsibility and modeling appropriate behavior;
  • Acting, when appropriate, to correct or prevent practices that are unjustly discriminatory;
  • Not participating in any form of inappropriate behavior in person or online (including but not limited to social media), including, but not limited to aggressive or abusive behavior, abuse of authority, unfair treatment such as but not limited to, spreading of malicious rumors or gossip, or insulting others; unwanted physical contact; stalking; unwelcome and offensive comments/jokes or body language; publishing, circulating or displaying pornographic, racist, sexually suggestive or otherwise offensive material or pictures; persistent and unreasonable criticism; coercion, such as pressure to subscribe to a particular political or religious belief; and
  • Not using oral or written expressions and/or electronic communications (e.g., social media) to publicly criticize, disrespect or exploit others, specifically all individuals to whom this Policy applies. 

In addition to the responsibilities listed above, parents/guardians must also:

  • Encourage athletes to play by the rules and resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence;
  • Never ridicule a participant for making a mistake during a performance or practice;
  • Respect decisions and judgements of officials and encourages skaters to do the same; and
  • Respect and show appreciation to all competitors, coaches, officials and other volunteers who give their time to the sport.

Please note that each individual is bound by the Skate Canada Code of Ethics in its entirety as well as any additional policies issued by the SASC Executive Board.  The SASC Executive Board encourages each individual to regularly review these policies to ensure their behavior is compliant.  The policies can be located under the ‘Policies’ tab on our website.  

Skater's Code of Ethics


All skaters shall demonstrate  good sportsmanship, courtesy and respect towards others, both on and off the ice.
This code is put into place for the respect and safety of the SASC skaters and coaches.



Skaters must not go on the ice until the Zamboni has left the ice and the Zamboni gate has closed. 
Skate guards are worn when the skater is off the ice. 
Do not ask the advice of a coach about your skating problem during another skater’s lesson. 
Skaters shall use appropriate language at all times.
Swearing or the use of abusive language is not acceptable.
Use of inappropriate language will result in the skater being asked to leave the ice.


Skaters must be aware of all other skaters on the ice and maintain a safe distance from them. 
Pushing, tripping, horseplay or intentional interference of other skaters is absolutely forbidden, Skaters will be asked to leave the ice. 
Skaters must ask permission from a coach or club official prior to leaving the ice for any reason.
Skaters are expected to stay on the ice for the duration of a session, including group programming.
The coach has the right to refuse re-entry of a skater who has left the ice without permission. 
Gum, candy, or food is not permitted on the ice. 
Water in a non-breakable container is allowed however minimal on-ice hydration is needed if skaters hydrate appropriately 30-60 minutes prior to skating. 
There will be no loitering along the boards or sitting in the player's box. Excessive loitering or talking on the ice (including the music box), will result in one verbal warning and then the skater will be asked to leave the ice for a second infraction.
Skaters must get up quickly after falling. Constant moving around perimeter of ice surface.
No use of ear buds while skating.
No use of Smart/Cell Phones in Dressing rooms or On Ice for video/pictures.
No touching or moving of others personal property without approval in dressing rooms. 
Corrective Action Steps:
A violation of any SASC policies may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including revocation of a skater’s SASC membership at the Director's discretion.  The disciplinary action will be dependent on a number of factors, including the nature and severity of the violation, and whether this is a new or recurrent problem.


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