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St. Albert Skating Center (SASC) is a non-profit organization and volunteers are necessary for our club to operate. 
Volunteers are essential to SASC to take positions on our Executive Board, organize and run fundraising events (bingos, casinos, competitions and more), take care of office cleaning, and help out at club events (assessment days, club fun meets, pop concerts).
Money raised from all fundraising events help cover the cost of ice rental, large group coaching, club development sessions, dry land programming, special events, out of town competitions, and more.
To ensure success at our fundraising events, every SASC family from figure skating Academy programs Star 1 and up is required to complete a minimum number of volunteer shifts at our fundraising events.
  • These shifts are calculated according to the number of freeskate sessions your skater skates during the fall/winter season.
  • In years we host a StarSkate competition, an additional 2 volunteer shifts are required per family (not including Star 1 Group Program skaters).
Minimum Volunteer Requirements
Number of freeskate sessions (in Fall/Winter season) 
Volunteer shifts (per skater) Volunteer Buyout ($125 per shift)
Star 1 Group Program 1 shift $125
1 freeskate session per week 1 shift $125
2 freeskate sessions per week 2 shifts $250 ($125 x 2)
3 freeskate sessions per week 3 shifts $375 ($125 x 3)
4 freeskate sessions per week 4 shifts $500 ($125 x 4)
5-10 freeskates per week 5 shifts $625 ($125 x 5)



  • Volunteers must be 14+ years old to volunteer and receive credit (18+ for bingo and casino shifts).
  • Emails will be sent to members to sign up for volunteer shifts for fundraising events.
  • Initially, only sign up for your required shifts. An email will be sent when there is an opportunity to pick up extra shifts.
  • If you have multiple skaters registered at SASC, the maximum required volunteer shifts based on freeskate sessions is 10.
  • Club credit money earned by completing extra volunteer shifts
    • is $60 per shift.
    • can be used towards SASC Summer (July/Aug) ice fees or later.
    • is non-transferable and becomes void if you leave SASC.
  • A volunteer subscription for the full buyout amount will be automatically added to your invoice with registration.
    • The payment due date is May 31.
    • As you fulfill your volunteer commitments, your account will be credited $125 per volunteer shift in September, December, March and June.
    • Use the credit money to pay the volunteer subscription or future ice fees.
  • If you are a no-show or cancel a shift with less than 24 hours notice (with no replacement volunteer), your account will be charged $125.



What are the dates for the volunteer year?

Volunteer shifts completed from June 1 to May 31 count towards the volunteer requirements of the September to June skating season of the same year. Volunteer in Summer to get a head start on your requirements!

What are fundraising events where I can volunteer for my required shifts?

  • Bingos - Kensington Bingo Hall, 12538 132 Ave NW, Edmonton from 5:00-9:30pm
    • There are 13-15 bingos per year usually once per month on a Saturday or Sunday.
    • Volunteers must be age 18+
  • Star 1-3 competitions when the event is 4 hours or longer.
    • Volunteers must be age 14+
  • StarSkate Star 4-Gold competitions (not available every year)
    • Morning, afternoon and evening shifts of 4-6 hours long on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
    • Volunteer must be age 14+
  • Casinos - available every 3-4 years
    • Volunteers must be age 18+
  • Additional fundraising events planned by the SASC board. 
    • Options to fulfill a volunteer shift through time or monetary donations will be announced with the event details. 
What options do I have if I am unable to volunteer for some or all of my shifts?
  1. Pay your volunteer subscription buyout amount by May 31 at a rate of $125 per shift.
  2. Pay another SASC member $60 per shift to volunteer on your behalf. Contact SASC’s Volunteer Coordinator for details. (

What if I complete extra fundraising volunteer shifts?

Once all members have been given an opportunity to sign up for their minimum required volunteer shifts, you will be given the opportunity to take on extra shifts. You will earn a $60 club credit for each extra shift to use towards SASC Summer (July/Aug) ice fees or later. 

What about volunteer shifts at club fun meets, pop concerts, assessment days or other club events?

Volunteers are necessary for these events to run successfully so all SASC members are encouraged to help out when they can. Shifts at these events are usually 1-2 hours which are much shorter than the 4-6 hour volunteer requirement shifts. For your convenience, select a time when you will already be at the club to watch your skater. Volunteer credits are not earned for these shorter shifts but you often end up with a rink-side view.  If event shifts are 4 hours or longer, these may be used towards your required volunteer shifts at the discretion of the Volunteer Coordinator. 

Do SASC Executive Board members receive credits for volunteering?

No. To ensure members on our board are joining because they truly want to be there, we do not offer volunteer credits for any board position. All board members are required to complete minimum volunteer shifts based on their skaters’ number of freeskate sessions.

Who can I contact for additional questions?

Volunteer Coordinator: Carolyn Garritano

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